Modern Feminism and Why it Fails

What In The World

I think it’s about time I wrote something on feminism. Actually, my daughter asked me to write about it. I have 4 kids, including the oldest daughter, boy/girl twins and the youngest boy. I’ve always had a fondness for strong female leads in movies and TV shows. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one of my all-time favorite shows. The only sport I follow is MMA through the UFC, and Rhonda Rousey is currently my favorite fighter. The point is, I don’t hate women. To modern feminism, that doesn’t matter, the fact that I am male means that I must objectify Buffy and Rhonda, and therefore I hate women. This is why the movement is doomed to fail.


  1. the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.
synonyms:the women’s movement, the feminist movement, women’s liberation, female emancipation, women’s rights;


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Feminism (and Social Justice) Are Not About Equality

What In The World

I have heard a lot of talk lately from people, really smart people even, who defend feminism as a movement advocating for the equality of women. They all love to go to the dictionary and read the actual definition of feminism. Fem·i·nism noun: feminism: the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. To be honest, this is a pretty weak definition because there are more than one type of equality. Depending on the lens in which you look at the world, that definition could mean vastly different things, polar opposite things even. Not to mention that almost mainstream feminists reject this definition, (until they are debating an anti-feminist and it becomes convenient to use it), and hold that there is no set in stone definition of today’s modern 3rd wave feminist movement. For the purposes of this writing, let’s just stick…

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The Alt-Left and The Alt-Right Are The Same People (or social justice is the same as white nationalism)

What In The World

We are seeing an increase in mass shootings in the last few years. Republicans blamed it on the policies and behavior of Obama, Democrats are blaming it on the policies and behavior of Trump. Both are right, both are wrong. What people don’t seem to realize is that the alt-left groups, like feminism, BLM, LGBT and the “social justice” movement, are the same people as the alt-right groups like the white nationalists. How can this possibly be? They seem to be bitter enemies. Often clashing in the streets with encounters ending in bloodshed and property damage. It is true they play for different teams and there is a bitter rivalry between them, but the teams themselves are in the same league.

Aren’t groups like feminism, BLM, LGBT and Social Justice leftwing groups advocating for their groups and white nationalists ultra-rightwing? Well, yes, but only if you look at it from…

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Free Speech Through the Eyes of a Social Justice Warrior

What In The World

Modern liberals hold themselves to be the defenders of civil liberties, freedom of expression, speech, etc. You can see them constantly in the streets exercising that freedom. Marching and protesting and rioting to defend their freedom from whatever boogeyman wants to take it away from them today. But are they really for free speech and expression? I submit to you that to today’s left, or the social justice movement, free speech is the most dangerous idea possible.

To understand the danger of free speech to a social justice warrior(SJW), you have to understand where they are coming from. These people are piggybacking off the free speech movement of the anti-war 1960’s. This movement started at the University of California, Berkeley, where students marched against the war and for civil rights. Today, students at Berkeley are rioting and protesting to prevent people they don’t like speaking at their school. Yet…

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Social Justice Warriors Are Killing the World

What In The World

This week’s blog is an extension of last week’s blog. It was brought to my attention that my blog last week on feminism could apply to almost every special rights group, and they were right. Who and what are special rights groups? They generally fall into 3 main categories: women’s rights, minority rights and gay rights groups. However each main group may have their own set of sub-group, For instance, the body image group is a subset of feminism. They specialize in trying to get photo-shopped models off the cover of magazines because it may make an overweight girl feel bad. These people are generally called social justice warriors (SJW’s) and are basically just professional victims.

As far as I can tell, there is no widely accepted definition of the SJW movement. Generally, it is based in cultural Marxism that sees built-in inequality in the western culture based on things…

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