Martin Huges is salty he was unable to go to a Conference to Give Anti-SJWs Strategic Platform in Atheist Community

Conference to Give Anti-SJWs Strategic Platform in Atheist Community

Because he and his fellow Sociapathic Juvenile Whiners weren’t invited. God this article is a pile of crap, it’s like a teenager who hasn’t gotten their own way.

Why can’t these people grow the fuck up?

Source: Conference to Give Anti-SJWs Strategic Platform in Atheist Community

The Cult Of Social Justice and Identity Politics Has No More Worlds To Conquer, Yet Still It Marches On

Semi-Partisan Politics


There may be no more worlds for the regressive Left to conquer, but the warriors of the Social Justice Army still see enemies all around

This blog has spent some time explaining that the Cult of Social Justice and Identity Politics is far less about helping genuinely oppressed people and far more about a small, snarling pseudo-intellectual clerisy seeking to use the often dubiously legitimate suffering of various proscribed victim groups as a means of wielding power and influence over wider society.

It follows, then, that for this cult to perpetuate itself there must be a constant stream of wronged victims at all times, on whose behalf the social justice priests and priestesses can claim to speak. When your career and entire worldview is built on the bedrock of seeking to end “oppression”, one inevitably sees oppression everywhere and in the smallest of things. To acknowledge that we actually live in…

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Feminist Pandering in Game of Thrones ‘Battle of the Bastards’

internalized misogyny

*Spoiler Alert: If you are not caught up on Game of Thrones, go watch it before reading. You have been warned.*

Game of Thrones season 6 featured some of the best episodes in the entire series, and, in my opinion, one of the most uneven ones. Episodes like “Book of the Stranger” and “The Door” provided both intense suspense and a multitude of emotions. So when I saw that the ninth episode, “The Battle of the Bastards” was going to feature an epic battle between Ramsay Bolton, my favorite villain, and Jon Snow, one of my favorite heroes, I was stoked. How, I wondered, could the writers possibly screw this up? It seemed impossible, and yet, they did it.

I’ve always felt  there were bits of feminist pandering in this show, particularly surrounding the character of Brienne of Tarth. Until this episode, however, it was always subtle enough that it…

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Sargon of Akkad: Exposing a Double-Standard

internalized misogyny

On the 22nd of June, Sargon of Akkad and several other prominent “anti-feminist” youtubers and their fans attended a panel in which Anita Sarkeesian was one of the speakers. No one (and I mean NO ONE) in the anti-feminist section said anything during the talk until it was time for the Q n A section. Everyone sat quietly and listened, including Sargon, who never once spoke a word.

Part-way through the speech, Anita Sarkeesian decided to start behaving like a petulant child and verbally berated Sargon in front of the entire audience, to the amusement of her fans who had come to hear her. Now Sargon could have taken the moral high ground and simply brushed off her childishness as many probably expected him to, but he didn’t. Instead, he saw an opportunity, and rather than letting it pass, he took it. It was the opportunity to try to use…

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Sargon of Akkad: Exposing a Double-Standard

internalized misogyny

On the 22nd of June, Sargon of Akkad and several other prominent “anti-feminist” youtubers and their fans attended a panel in which Anita Sarkeesian was one of the speakers. No one (and I mean NO ONE) in the anti-feminist section said anything during the talk until it was time for the Q n A section. Everyone sat quietly and listened, including Sargon, who never once spoke a word.

Part-way through the speech, Anita Sarkeesian decided to start behaving like a petulant child and verbally berated Sargon in front of the entire audience, to the amusement of her fans who had come to hear her. Now Sargon could have taken the moral high ground and simply brushed off her childishness as many probably expected him to, but he didn’t. Instead, he saw an opportunity, and rather than letting it pass, he took it. It was the opportunity to try to use…

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Psychological Manipulation in Feminist Frequency’s Newest Post

internalized misogyny

Psychological/Emotional manipulators are among the most sadistic people we have in our world. They are masters of lying, twisting, and forming any situation to suit their needs or wants, all the while making themselves appear to be innocent of any wrongdoing by shifting the attention onto others. For example, say a grandmother wishes to manipulate her grandchild into disliking a boy. The grandmother might lie to the child and claim that the boy did something he did not do, and then the grandmother might claim that she “tried to convince him to stop doing what he was doing, but he just wouldn’t listen.” When, in reality, the boy has done nothing wrong. But the grandmother has just convinced the child that this boy is bad and, in the same breath, cemented her place as the “good person” because she “tried to stop the bad behavior.” This is a mild example…

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